Law School / on the record

OTR: Real Estate & The Peckerwoods

At least Professor R is honest about the reading:

“You don’t need to read the mortgage financing forms word-for-word because if you’d try to you’d quickly go insane because they are really boring…”

Should have read your HUD booklet.

Professor E: “Mrs. Smith, do you remember getting your HUD special information booklet when you bought your house?”
Jill: “Uh, no. I don’t remember that at all. But I was young when I bought my house so I sort of rushed through it. I got totally screwed though…

And the case quote of the day:

There is a group of inmates at the LCC who call themselves “the Peckerwoods.” This group of inmates has been identified by the facility as a security threat group. Gibbens v. Sabatka-Rine, D.Neb.,2009.

The Peckerwoods case involved a prisoner who had a lot of enemies in jail. He made most of these enemies before he got to the jail – he had ripped someone off, murdered someone else’s brother…

The prisoner was attacked by a member of the Peckerwoods gang in the prison kitchen and alleged that the warden was “deliberately indifferent to the serious risk of harm” that the Peckerwoods member posed to him.

His case was dismissed because he failed to show that the warden was aware that his attacker posed a threat to him.

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