My little archive dusting project took longer than I expected.
Turns out I’ve amassed a little over 2,100 entries over the past 10 years.
This coincidentally works out to about a year of full-time work.
Slogging through the entries was an interesting, yet depressing undertaking – a parade of old aspirations, failures, exes – it was also a testament to the power of journaling.
Memories are fallible, so I’m grateful for my little digital scrapbook, even if it is not always flattering.
These types of cleaning projects are necessary every few years because links break and upgrading a WordPress theme tends to badly malformat old posts.
I won’t get into geeky things like landing page quality scores, but that’s a factor too.
I am also aware that soon-to-be law students navigate this site very differently than most readers.
Many of law students start from my senior year of college and work their way forward. Now that’s a little easier to do because I’ve fixed most of the egregious formatting problems.
Cleaning up the archives also means that I’m ready to ramp up the new posts – and I have a lot to share!
Thanks for sticking around.