Coolest sign in the Twin Cities:
Coolest sign in the Twin Cities:
One of my favorite things about the University of Minnesota is that downtown Minneapolis is visible on so much of campus, especially by the river.
Pechman had a “recreational fire” at his house. His neighbors were unamused.
I feel like half the Salons in the neighborhood have the same cheesy “Shall we dance?” weave/wig ad on the front door:
Jill and I were in the company store rifling through the massive candy selection when we make a discovery: Burger King French toast flavored snacks!
Jill: “That’s vile. I’m going to buy a bag of that crap so we can try it.”
Jill and I brought the bag of toxic nast flavored-snacks back to the cubicles and forced Amber to partake in the taste test. The snacks taste like carmeled cheetos…which didn’t sit well with Jill and Amber:
What a busy, hilarious week. There is too much to write about, so I am settling for pictures and captions. This is choppy, but appropriate given the state of things…
This week featured a massive iced-tea spill at the office. Amber is cackling as I run to fetch napkins:
Living in a brightly colored house would make directions easier: “I live in the blue house. No you don’t need an address. Trust me. You’ll know.”
Other favorite color combinations in my neighborhood include purple with blue trim, lime green, and hot pink. And yes, the neighborhood lawn-art is way worse than the paint jobs…
Judd and I took the dogs on a walk around Lake of the Isles this morning. He now realizes that I do not exaggerate the craziness I run into on these walks.
There were vicious mini-dogs, creepers that went out of their way to talk to us, and a lot of awkward “why is the dog doing that?” moments. We survived with a lot of lysol, some silly string, and a taser.
There were also mansions. The Lake of the Isles is cluttered with them.
This is my favorite:
Bam! I know there are grander mansions directly on the lake, but this is my favorite. I will live here someday. I will wear a long, flowy bath robe and saunter out to the front steps to fetch the morning edition of the New York Times. The dogs are dead at this point, the bad-ass kids are away at boarding school and Juddson is off on business.
It is just me, my mansion, my coffee, and the lemurs…
The mansion straddles a hill slightly off the lake and is surrounded by dramatic old churches. Living directly on the lake seems inconvenient. The constant stream of cars, dogs, and gawkers is not worth the status boost. Then again, maybe my opinions will change when I’m fabulously wealthy and in need of a prestigious address…
I moved some furniture around so that the Rottweiler can no longer see me leave the apartment. This might help end her kennel-hysterics.
Harley decided to camp out behind my books during the furniture move:
And yes, I’ve decided that I’m going to construct a book-fort around him when I move from this apartment.
The Mississippi river is finally thawing and video-game-style ice chunks are a-flowing.
Spring break was exhausting.
The week was strewn with awkward middle-of-the-day appointments and my entire salary went to the vet.
I come home from work on Saturday night to find my apartment covered in scat and blood.
Apparently stress caused the Rottweiler to have a bacterial imbalance, and erm, yeah. Blood. Everywhere. It was disgusting.
I was on the phone with Madre Jansen while scrubbing the blood from the floor:
Me: “Ugh.”
Madre Jansen: “What’s wrong grasshopper?”
Me: “I’m scrubbing blood from the floor. The Rottweiler is having issues again. I’m going to vet.”
Madre Jansen: “This is getting expensive. Maybe you should give the dog back to the humane society.”
Me: “Ugh. We’ll see. I still want to make her into a handbag.”
Madre Jansen: “Maybe she’s on her period and – excuse my language – just a sloppy bitch.”
I laughed so hard that I almost dropped my phone in the blood.
Mom cursing = hilarity every time.
It was my third vet trip within a week. Harley did a good impression of my face when I saw the bill:
The birthday boy decided to do his best Jay Sean pose:
Two small miracles happened.
Spring break is complete.
I couldn’t get a better picture of this – but I noticed something a little off near 38th street and Chicago Avenue in South Minneapolis/Mexico.
Oh look, there’s a new law school in my neighborhood:
Jake brought a random pair of tacky douchebag glasses to trivia and made everyone pose with them. Behold:
This week was made far more dramatic by the fog. Downtown Minneapolis looks like Gotham at night and Eagan feels like a druid stomping ground…with Dodge 4x4s. Pictures:
I always release the dog treats a little before Harley bites down…
Now you know why.
The “treat” in that picture is a pig ear. They come in sacks of 20 at Wal-Mart and the dogs love them. And yes they are greasy and absolutely disgusting to handle.
Oh, and that mess of wires is the power-strip for my laptop and speakers. I’ve decided that the futon is a better study area than my desk, aesthetics be damned.
There’s a new player on the University of Minnesota East Bank skyline:
Fall construction pictures are here and here. The demolition pictures of the prior building are here.
I expected an uglier building than this, and I am still not sold on a sleek new building so close to the UMN mall. I guess this is called progress.