If I wrote about how I really feel right now, my law school career counselor would probably let out a primal scream and assault me in the hallway.
So, no profanity editorializing – I am just going to state the facts:
- It is October 12th around 7am.
- The dog needs a-walking.
- And this is the scene outside of my window:

Methinks it’s winter now.
Update (post dog walk): so, I officially scrapped tonight’s plans of outlining tax law. Tonight’s new project is teaching Harley how to use a litter box.
The weight of the snow causes mini avalanches from the trees. It feels like the trees are chucking snow down on the sidewalk out of bitterness like “WHY IS THERE SNOW ON ME? I STILL HAVE LEAVES DAMMIT!”
So, I felt like the star of my own video game! I am Super Mario with a golf umbrella and sack of dog poop. The object of the game was to hop around the neighborhood without getting dumped on by the trees. 1up my people!
It was a lot of fun. I take back all my bitching about the snow….which is only getting worse by the way: