I get to work remotely about four days a week, which is fabulous.
One of my favorite cafes to work from is the Freight House Dunn Brothers. This is the view from my table:
I get to work remotely about four days a week, which is fabulous.
One of my favorite cafes to work from is the Freight House Dunn Brothers. This is the view from my table:
First off, MIA. has a new video.
This is my favorite band and I wish their music was more readily available in the US.
Get with it America.
My own musical endeavors have not been going so well. I’m still in that learning stage where everything I produce is awful. Unfortunately, the only way to get out of that stage is to keep producing crappy tracks until they are no longer as awful. I’ll get it together eventually.
Life is so full lately – I love my job, friends, dogs, gym, hilarious dates, and my brand new Aldo shoes. I think this is the slightly-bootleg yuppie life that I envisioned for myself when I first moved to Minneapolis.
Technology failed me during these past two weeks. This is how I started the morning:
If you soften your gaze and back away slowly, the fail whale will appear.
Blue screens lit up my work computer throughout the weekend and the beginning of the week. I also caught some version of the plague Saturday night, but meetings and computer repair issues brought my germy-body to the office on Monday and Tuesday.
At times the sinus pressure was so great that my right eye would start pouring as I talked to coworkers. I’m pretty sure they wanted to swat me away with a Lysol wipe.
So winter finally came.
Well, snow did. We had a few sub-zero days but today we were well into the 40’s. We manage regardless of the temperature.
The colder it gets inside the cozier it feels inside, so it’s not so bad.
This is why I don’t whine about my 5:30 a.m. personal training sessions, 7-hour IRS Vita training, or picking up 19 hours of overtime at work. I’m more productive than ever and understanding the purpose of growing/learning pains makes the process easier, and even fun.
Short-term discomfort is necessary to achieve long-term gains. Understanding that discomfort is part of a greater process gives it purpose and makes it easier to work through. Sometimes I wish I had this mindset back during college, but I trotted out of undergrad and law school just fine.
That random break and the great people I’ve met along the way have allowed me to create a career for myself. That is why I try to recommend my qualified friends for open positions as strongly as I can without being obnoxious.
It was ugly Christmas sweater day at work. I don’t have any ugly Christmas sweaters, so I wore an ugly University of Miami sweater.
Close enough.
After work I ferried the dogs to the pet hotel. The paperwork was horribly confusing after a 10-hour workday. The nice thing is that I managed to finish all of my work for the week, so I don’t have to take my work laptop on vacation.
I just met a student from my old law school at Dunn Brothers. I managed to calm the 1L about her upcoming final. I also gave her some leads about clinics and jobs.
Those who succeeded in law school were either the manic-workhorses or those with solid mentors (or, more likely, a combination of both.) The quick advice from an older student is invaluable and something I found in the form of blogs.
The conversation made me realize that there is a subset of people who view blog authors as ersatz mentors and role models. I was one of these people and definitely relied on bloggers (like her and her and them) for advice and support.
Some office Christmas parties are stuffy events with assigned seats. Others go bowling and play laser tag.
We win.
Several people have noted that things are much quieter around these parts. Blogging was easier when I was in school because I was busy exploring the city, surrounded by hilarious people, attending drag shows, and living in a crazy apartment building full of drug dealers, passive aggressive notes, and schizophrenics.
Things are looking better. My finger finally stopped throbbing, although it started to hurt again at the end of the workday. I go back to the orthopedist tomorrow morning, but I’m not sure if they are going to take out my stitches.
There’s a mustache growing contest going on at work. I got a head start. I swear I’m not a trucker.
It’s called Movember (Moustache + November) and the point is to raise awareness of men’s health issues. More details are here.
And regular readers aren’t shocked by my ‘stache. Memba this and this?
Something went wrong during this morning’s drive. I looked down while driving on Highway 62 and I was covered in in coffee. One of the coffee cups was partially collapsed and I was pretty convinced that I should not be driving. The coffee cups looked pretty rough when I got into the office.
I felt extremely distracted while working from home today so I decided to go to the Pierre Bottineau Library here in Nordeast. The library is in the castle-like old Grainbelt Beer building and pretty nice on the outside.