1L summer / humor / Thomson Reuters


I’m driving to work when I realize that I forgot to bring my water bottle, so I decide to pull into White Castle and order a large drink, so I had something to use as a water-cup later…brilliant right?
White Castle Employee (through the drive thru speaker): “Thank you for choosing White Castle, what are you craving today?”
Me: “Uh, may I have a large diet coke?”
Employee: “Okay.”
Me: “That’s it.”
Employee: “That’s it?!”
Me: “Yes.”
Employee: “What about a slider?”
Me: “No. Just a diet coke.”
Employee: “Fries?”
Me: “No thank you. Just a diet coke.”
Employee: “You’re not craving any food?”
Me: “Nope. “
Employee: “None at all? Onion rings?”
Me: “Uh. No. I am only craving a Diet Coke today…gotta watch my youthful figure.”
Employee: “Uh?”
Employee: “Fine. Pull up.”
Me: “Thank you.”
So I pay for a Diet Coke and a nasty glare, and then drive off to work.

Although I forgot my water bottle, I did remember to bring my coffee tumbler.  So I march up to the office building, cup and tumbler in hand, in my professional Express slacks, with a briefcase stuffed full of snacks (like unsalted peanuts and apples) feeling thoroughly prepared for my day. Que bring it! Si si si!

So of course the hot mess starts in the elevator…

I’m in the elevator with three people, and I sense the small Indian woman in the corner staring at me – or rather – staring at my butt. She looks confused and shocked.

She catches me giving her the “what the hell?” look and says,
Woman: “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just that your peanuts are sticking out!”
So, of course everyone in the elevator stops and gawks at the big can of peanuts that is precariously hanging out of my briefcase.

And then they all watch me awkwardly juggle my coffee tumbler and White Castle cup so I can cram my peanuts back into my food-stuffed briefcase.1 A flap on the briefcase comes open, revealing more food, and I get the “Fatty!” look from everyone.

And yes, they totally started snickering when I left the elevator. They couldn’t even wait for the doors to close.


1 I was wearing a shoulder strap, so the briecase was on my side, hence why it looked like she was staring at my butt. Although nice thing about working at a ginormous company is that it’s unlikely that I’ll ever see those people again since they don’t work on my floor.


  • Soleil
    June 30, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    What, does the WC employee own stock in the company? The hell does he care if you just get coke? White Castle is the kinda crap that belongs in Jersey.

    • Jansen
      June 30, 2009 at 9:25 pm

      Hey hey, I love White Castle…

      …and yes, I have to keep it healthy because I am WAY TOO CLOSE to the cafeteria/convenience store/Caribou. I had a boondocks-parking disaster last week…I parked there in the afternoon when it was 90 degrees, walked to the building in the dead-heat…and later that night when I got off work it started pouring when I was halfway to the car!

  • Jimmy
    June 30, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    I am so glad I’m not the only one packing a bag full of snacks into that place! Although, yours sound healthier than mine. Today was chocolate Donettes and Mt. Dew. Also, I learned today not to show up late, the only parking will be in the boondocks (and even a pink scooter doesn’t help much when you’re a mile away), I thought about stopping half way through the march in for a snack from my bag, but I was already late.

  • Ryan
    June 10, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Express slacks are amazing on the ass. She probably was staring at it which is why she noticed the peanuts.

    • Jansen
      June 10, 2010 at 3:32 pm

      Says the Cuban.

  • Ryan
    June 10, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    Aw, come on.
    I’m sure you’ve got at least a little junk in the trunk.


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