The holidays are over, but the lights are still up.
The busiest part of my winter is always after the holiday season ends – my clients are ready to start ambitious projects, we have an all-team meeting in Minnesota this coming February, and tax season is rearing its ugly head.
I’m volunteering with a community tax center again this year. That means that I am joining a hoard of accountants to provide free tax services to low-and-moderate income individuals in the Dallas area.
This also means that I end work promptly at 5 p.m. and don’t get home from IRS tax training until around 10 p.m. every night.
Welcome to my glamorous lifestyle.
At least my neighbors haven’t taken down the Christmas lights yet, so my later-than-usual dog walks are still festive.

Christmas lights in Perry Heights, Dallas, Texas

Christmas lights in Perry Heights, Dallas, Texas
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