As the temperature climbs, our morning Katy Trail walks have become increasingly early.
The earlier mornings mean that I now have time to read and breakfast on the balcony before starting my work day. (Rather than starting emails before I have even showered.)
This morning’s book is The Shape of Design by Frank Chimero.

The Shape of Design by Frank Chimero.
It’s a lovely treatise on the craft and purpose of design.
Here’s an example Chapter 1:
“Creative people commonly lament about being “blocked,” perpetually stuck and unable to produce work when necessary. Blocks spring from the imbalanced relationship of How and Why: either we have an idea, but lack the skills to execute; or we have skills, but lack a message, idea, or purpose for the work.”

Chapters from the Shape of Design by Frank Chimero.
The concepts explored in the book can be applied across a variety of creative and business pursuits, and I wouldn’t be surprised if HBR eventually picks this up.
The book is available online here.
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