Life / Minneapolis-St. Paul / pictures / Summer 2011 / Whittier / Uptown Minneapolis

Around the hood

I love summer in Uptown Minneapolis. This is the Uptown theater, where they played Labyrinth.

Uptown Minneapolis

Uptown Minneapolis

Uptown Minneapolis

Uptown Minneapolis

Uptown Minneapolis

Uptown Minneapolis

This is part of Salem English Lutheran Church. That is the church on Lyndale where the fugly modern expansion was demolished to build a condo building.

Salem English Lutheran Church

The Beat Coffee shop is always hit-or-miss because you never know when they turn the cafe into a punk rock venue.

Uptown Minneapolis

Uptown Minneapolis

Uptown Minneapolis

I have received several tweets about the amount of Minneapolis pictures. I have three responses:

  1. This is a personal blog. I never promised it would be interesting.
  2. Like any journaling project, things that seem mundane right now become interesting with time. I am constantly amused when I look back at my undergrad posts.
  3. If something here doesn’t work for you, then do it better on your own blog.


  • Gary
    June 13, 2011 at 9:19 pm

    Were the tweets ugly? I haven’t seen you get so touchy on your blog.:=(

    • Jansen
      June 14, 2011 at 10:38 am

      Touchy? Me? Nonono. Not defensive either. Serious. I’m not yelling. I swear. MY TONE IS FINE.


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