humor / Law School / legal humor / on the record

How about Hannah?

It’s the day before spring break, and the attendance in Corporate law is sparse.1
Professor M: “Okay, well, I’m going to start calling, and we’ll see how this goes…”
I was prepared for a painful reenactment of Statutory Interpretation2, but the first person Professor M called on was actually here!
Professor M: “Hannah Shooty?”
Hannah: “Here. It’s Slew-tee.”
Professor M: “Mooty?”
Hannah: “Slew-tee.”
Professor M: “Su-tee? Smooty?”
Hannah: “Um..”
Professor M: “Shooy? Mooey? Um, how about Hannah! So Hannah, what happened in this case?”

1 A little under 2/3 of the class showed up.
2 Yes, Professor M taught Statutory Interpretation as well. Today’s exchange reminded me a lot of Professor L last semester. But, to be clear, the most ridiculous naming incident is still the JD-baby incident from Contracts…


  • Davis
    March 13, 2009 at 10:35 am

    hope you can give that footnoting a break on your vacation!


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