2L Fall / Law School / on the record

Law school is about free food

The law school can sense when I am cranky. I was sitting in the law school cafeteria when got an instant message from Jack. He was in class, and another chair had just collapsed.

This happened to me last year:

chair collapse


I was going to write a post about the ridiculous spending patterns at the law school: we have a student lounge with a flat screen TV, pool table, and video game machines, but our classrooms smell1, the seats collapse, and the temperature control is underwhelming. A can of febreeze would do far more good than a pinball machine.

So, I started writing my cranky post when the administrator in charge of orientation2 came by my table and gave me a handwritten thank you note and Take 5 candy bar for serving as an orientation leader.

Then, on my way to class, the Lexis representative had a spread of (good) candy and muffins. She was busy and tired, so I didn’t even have to talk to her to get the food…although I did tell her how much I loved Best Authority.
Muffin and candy bar in hand, law school was suddenly awesome. Who cares that that the class rooms smell like snot? They feed me!
I walk into my Conflicts class full of sugary goodwill and see Jill:

Me: “The Lexis lady has free muffins and candy bars!”
Jill: “WHAT?”
Me: “Free food! The Lexis lady is giving out muffins and candy. And you don’t even have to talk to her. It’s amazing.”
Jill: “You mean she’s giving away muffins ON THE DAY OF THE WLSA BREAST CANCER BAKE SALE?! That bitch!
Me: “I was just trying to spread the good word…”

Jill stifles a scream then storms out of the room.


1 I suspect they don’t shampoo the carpet.
2 Aka, the “go to” lady who everyone loves.


  • Ricky Nelson
    October 31, 2009 at 5:40 pm

    Hahahaha. That reminds me of a time a group tried to do a bake sale in our union. Unfortunately for them, the Red Cross decided to set up shop for a blood drive and the free food from the canteen thwarted the efforts.

    • Jansen
      November 1, 2009 at 8:09 pm

      Damn those bloodsuckers!

  • Orientation Day 2: The Marathon
    March 24, 2016 at 7:49 pm

    […] it helps me burn off the ridiculous amounts of food that I inhale. The law school is littered with free food, none of it […]


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