1L winter / Law School / legal humor / on the record / unsolicited advice

How not to be an asshole in law school

Man on laptop at cafe by Tim Gouw via Unsplash.

Oh, Law School Discussion…how I’ve missed thee. I know I’ve written about gunners before but can we just acknowledge this ridiculousness? The topic of the thread is: “How To Respond To People Calling You a Gunner?”

Gunner: Last semester I amply and vastly participated in class and I could decipher my classmates’ opinion of said participation. How best to respond to these (to put it generously) rather immature individuals?

The first response (by “Stole Your Nose!“) was rather good:

1) Maybe your comments aren’t as valuable as you think they are.

Take a step back and honestly re-evaluate how smart you are and how valuable your comments are. Be your own critic and be honest.

As a shortcut: if you get grades that aren’t in the top 25%, then your comments are not as valuable as you think they are and shut up. If a good chunk of the class is learning the material and providing better analysis than you on exams, you may learn more by listening than speaking.

2) Maybe other people are jealous because you actually are smart.

No matter. Making people feel at ease, complying with social norms, and being well-liked are all important in firm life and the law. Work on those skills.

3) Set a limit for yourself.

One comment per class. If you find you have a hard time staying within that limit, ask yourself why. Is it because you are so engaged? Or is it because you feel your insights are so brilliant that others should hear them?

Or because you want affirmation or attention?

4) Don’t answer the easy questions.

I get annoyed when obviously advanced people raise their hand for every question; easy or not. Save your comments for complex questions that most engage you; leave easier questions for other people to build their confidence on.

5) Don’t monopolize class time.

Everyone else is paying $30k a year too for law school, not just you. If you find you just love to talk about the subject, form a study group or visit the professor after hours.

Do additional reading in law review articles suggested in the book to engage the material more.

6) Don’t answer a question “Correctly” right after another classmate took a stab and failed.

The person waiving their hand to immediately correct a “dumb” response looks like they’re trying to pump themselves up at the expense of someone else.

7) Take seminars and smaller classes.

You stand out less as a gunner in a class of 10 instead of a class of 150.

Oh, and an edit: If you at all belittle others’ ideas or argue with the professor, then really reevaluate how you respond to other people’s comments. There are three gunners in my class who come off as abrasive, hostile, and condescending to other students and to the professor. Check tone of voice, language choice, etc.

Another person (midwestern) tells the gunner to ignore the hecklers. Gunner responds:

“Nose thief, your advice is well organized yet misguided; i would participate every chance i could get in class, whether ‘cold-called’ or not. distinguishing myself early and often and quickly was paramount. the easiest questions are the ones i most enjoyed answering, lol! particularly when no one else would raise their hand (which is an indication that they did not know the correct corresponding answer) midwestern, ignoring them is the true kindergarten advice..this is a social and professional community in which networking and contacts are paramount. i cannot afford the luxury of alienating them by ignoring them..are you in law school yet?”

The discussion quickly goes downhill. “Retard” and “go kill yourself” are thrown around.

Edit: The original post contained links to the message board, which has been taken down.


  • rebecca
    January 8, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    Your previous gunner post put my ass in check thats for sure. I was “that girl” rolling my eyes except sometimes I blurted out “shut up” and sometimes I coached the class (we are small) to not ask so many q’s so we don’t end up behind. I toned it down but my obnoxious response worked because our gunner is no more…he finally STFU!

  • molly
    January 8, 2009 at 9:13 pm

    Oh lsd, that site… sheesh. Some stuff is funny, some helpful, but most of it is just a waste of time and mean spirited.

  • Jansen
    January 8, 2009 at 10:10 pm

    Rebecca: You actually screamed shut up!? Oh my goodness….the worse I’ve seen is my housemate or sighed in disgust (Charlie Brown style) and stamped her foot dramatically while slamming her head down…

    Molly: Yes, most of LSD is pure hateraid.

  • […] Advice for the gunners (And more on gunners) […]


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