Law School / legal humor / on the record

On the Record: Some will fail

Most of you won’t suck at life…
Professor C: “Most of you will do fine. The vast majority of you will do this fine. You’ll get a B or better. Even if you’re in the B minus range, that’s fine as long as that’s not your average. Now, you’re thinking “what if I’m not in that group?” Well… heh.”
(Professor shrugs and moves on)
Professor C: “No matter how hard some of you study you’re not going to get an A. You’re just not. It’s true.”
Had enough?
Professor V: “Is this allowed under rule 15(a)(2) even if 12(h)(1)(b)(ii) only allows amendments by 15(a)(1)? Is there an expressio unius argument here? Does anyone want to drop out of law school right now? Just checking…”
Why we love Car Accidents …
Professor T: “It’s the bread and butter of the business. It’s the McDonalds of the Tort business. It’s going to pay the overhead of the office, pay your Westlaw Subscription…”

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