Lucky Guesses don’t cut it in law school…
Professor C: “So how much can they recover?”
Student: “Fifty thousand?”
Professor C: “Great! How’d you get there?”
Student: “Aside from guessing?”
Professor C: “Well, that’s one way to do it…but it won’t work on the exam.”
Progress as measured by torts!
Professor T: “As medical technology changes there are new opportunities for things to go wrong!”
Bleak futures:
Professor T: “We say 60% of our students are practicing food law. Food law is anything that puts food on the table.”
(Class gasps….nervous chuckles…heh heh )
Student (in back): “That’s encouraging…”
Why we love the law:
Professor T: “I’m going to sue him at the drop of a hat! And so are you! That’s why we are in law school and why we love this stuff.”
OTR: Bleak futures and why we love the law
Further Reading...
OTR: Real Estate & The Peckerwoods
October 17, 2009On the Record: Self defense, shooting loggers… etc.
September 22, 2008OTR: the panel
October 29, 2008
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