1L summer / dogs

Play fail

I am so glad that the cover for my kitschy Ikea sofa is machine washable…

Harley doesn’t run around the apartment because prefers lounging about with chew toys. This is usually nice, but I (for whatever reason) decided to mess with the status quo and be playful…

So I walked into the dining room and crouched down on all fours, then called Harley over…and hilarity ensued.

I had that stance that dogs take when they are about to jump (see picture here).

This was an extremely bad idea, because what does Harley do when he sees me? He barks, runs back into the living room, jumps on the sofa, and STARTS PEEING!

What the hell….

And then of course, I was crabby, and he was crabby because I was crabby…and an hour of laundry ensued…


  • Julie Anne I.
    May 27, 2009 at 7:08 pm

    i heart your dog. i saw two of them on a hike in the mountains monday, and they have the sweetest faces on them 🙂 it sounds like you may have made harley nervous, or overly excited … hence the pee fest.

  • Doug
    May 29, 2009 at 8:28 pm

    We had a family friend when I was growing up who elicited that I’m-so-excited-I-just-have-to-start-peeing reaction in several of our dogs!


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