Law School / legal humor / on the record


Today in Civ Pro we picked apart a (extremely) poorly written answer to a complaint. Giant fail.

Professor V: We see that the complaint has a lot of problems, but it seems like the defendant wasn’t even trying to get it right. I asked the clerk of the court if this was typical, and she said that there was a deep divide: 90% of the pleadings were perfect, and 10% were absolutely dreadful. This obviously falls into the dreadful category, but that makes it an awfully good learning tool.

An example of the absurdity… the defendant, Southwestern Publishing Company, denied this part of the Plaintiff’s claim:

Defendant, The Southwestern Company, engages in the business of publishing and selling books to residential customers. Defendant contracts with college students to spend their summers selling its books from door to door in residential areas selected by Defendant.

Okay, now this is from Southwestern’s website:

Students who participate in the program represent approximately 350 colleges and universities from the United States, Canada, Europe, South Africa, and South America. Our products are sold to families in their homes by these students during their summer breaks. These students are independent contractors and have the opportunity to run their own businesses by purchasing products from Southwestern at wholesale and selling them to customers at retail.


* For you Westlaw people, the full case is at: Grewe v. Southwestern Co. Not Reported in F.Supp.2d, 2005 WL 1593048 D.Minn.,2005. but the botched answer to the amended complaint is not among the Westlaw court docs on Westlaw. Hm..

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  • Von
    October 25, 2008 at 11:26 am

    “Okay, now this is from South Western’s website:”

    Doesn’t look like the poster is even trying to to spell Southwestern’s name right —?


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