Best Week Ever / Dallas Morning News

Rain, sororities, and the KKK

Storms over downtown Dallas

August was a strange.

Like the rest of this summer, there were far more storms than usual. The sight of a rain wall coming through downtown Dallas was a common occurrence and I got stuck outside in the rain all the time.

My weekdays are long now. I wake up around 4:30 a.m. to write morning recaps for the paper. (These will eventually become newsletters.) A long-ish dog walk happens, and then I’m in the office until halfway through the evening.

Weekends are spent at the pool (when it’s not raining) and writing weekend digests, which will also morph in newsletters. Some day.

I’ve been given a pretty huge blank check to write whatever I want, so I’ve covered topics like sorority videos, gaudy houses, Alyssa Edwards, and the KKK.

And yes, some of the reader emails are colorful.

My goal for September is to spend less energy obsessing over analytics, dedicate more time to the gym, figure out how to avoid getting caught outside in the rain, and become “more efficient.” (Whatever that means.)

Maybe it’s time for an intern?
Or an umbrella?

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