A recent warm-up brought some pretty dramatic fog to downtown St. Paul.

Fog flowing over the Mississippi River, by the High Bridge.

A view of St. Paul in fog, with a shot of the Cathedral.

Downtown St. Paul, Minnesota in fog.
The temperatures still climb above 20 degrees at least once a week. Anything above 15 degrees means that it is warm enough for a long walk with Hugo. I’m cherishing these walks while we can still make them.
Things don’t look good for this winter.
Last winter was the 9th coldest on record for the state, and we missed the global warming train:
And yet I live here on purpose…
The cold is less relevant this year.
I discovered that there is an express bus that takes me directly from downtown St. Paul to Thomson Reuters campus in the suburbs.
The cold is less bothersome now that I no longer have to sit in a frozen car twice a day. There is something strange about spending 95% of my time indoors. I hear that this is only surpassed by hoarders and the people who work in the Minneapolis skyway.
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