2L Spring Finals / dogs / Judd / Thomson Reuters

Snot, speed, “social activities” and snow?

Industrial building in snow by Matthew Wiebe via Stocksnap

I think I overdid it yesterday.

Yesterday, the sweet sound of garbage trucks woke the dogs up at 5am. I walked the monsters, snuck off to the library, and took my Family Law exam at 8:30.

After the exam I channeled Jillian Michaels for two hours at the gym, walked the dogs again, and then (somehow) ended back in the library to print of copious amounts of international tax law regs.

By 10pm I realized that I was too tired to get any more studying done, so my international tax exam will have to wait until next week. Drats.

I think the second library trip was a little too much because this morning I wake up with a runny nose and I am terrified that I managed to get myself sick.

I cannot be sick because I have a hot date social plans tonight. So I skipped to CVS before work and went through that embarrassing ordeal where I have to explain to the pharmacist that “No, I am not, in fact, going to use these cold pills to cook meth. NOW GIMME THE PILLS AND NO ONE GETS HURT!”

Well, the speed/meth/whatever pills worked, and I feel great. It was a snot-free and productive day at work, although the characters in today’s cases were stranger than usual.1

Tonight’s social activities include Iron Man II, dinner, and then Jeff’s birthday at Jetset. Oh, and snow.  That’s right. Snow. There are tulips and dandelions all around and we are getting SNOW. Bejesus. I predict famine and pestilence.

1 For example, from a social security case:
“Plaintiff testified that she is 35 years old, is four feet eleven inches tall and weighs 132 pounds. She stated that she is divorced and has no children. She testified that her driver’s license was suspended in 1999 when she helped her husband escape from incarceration…”
The plaintiff then tried to get benefits because of her mental impairments and depression, and the judge was all, “you play softball so you’re fine. Go away.” That’s how we do things folks.

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