2L Spring Finals

Exam 1 of 4: Family Law

My family law exam is done! Bam-chika-wow-wow
family law final
I was going to be ambitious and take my self-scheduled 8-hour international tax exam tomorrow, but I am so exhausted1 that I cannot bring myself to study. I reached the point where “outlining” is really “dumping my notes from OneNote into Word and hoping for the best.”

The problem with my international tax law class is that it is far more regulation dense than my corporate tax law or basic federal tax law courses. Things also tend to get “mathy.” Ick.

And, unlike corporate tax law, I suspect that much of what we covered in international tax is obscure and non-enforceable from the IRS’s standpoint… this means I am sitting at Dunn Brothers looking like I might be suffering late-onset retardation. I might be drooling. This isn’t cute.

I am going to drag myself back to the law library, print off 100-or-so pages of the tax code and treasury regulations, and hope that I am able to rally after a nap… fuh. We’ll see how this goes. At least one is out of the way?

1 This may have something to do with the garbage trucks jolting me awake at 5am and then kicking my ass at the gym after the exam.

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