dogs / Washington DC

A Spring Snowstorm

Ingrid the labradoodle experiencing her first Washington D.C. snowstorm with a tennis ball.

It’s felt like spring in Washington D.C. for a while now. We’ve had warm temperatures, cherry blossoms, and green grass. 

Maybe winter in D.C. isn’t so bad after all…

Cherry Blossoms in Arlington, Virginia.

Cherry Blossoms in Arlington, Virginia.

So of course, the first official day of spring brought our first major snowstorm of the year.

The entire metro got hit by inches of wet, sticky snow.

A snowman in our first (and hopefully only) snowstorm of the season.

A snowman in our first (and hopefully only) snowstorm of the season.

Snow accumulating on our deck.

Snow accumulating on our deck.

D.C. can’t handle snowstorms 

Although a few inches of snow wouldn’t have caused any problems back in Minnesota, the District basically shut down for this storm.

Interestingly, the snow did not impact my Georgetown LL.M. classes because my professors gave lectures remotely via video conference. I guess technology means that there are no real snow days anymore.

The storm was pretty much over by yesterday evening, so I decided to “attend” my remote classes from a coffeeshop.

It didn’t happen — All of the Starbucks in the neighborhood were packed because everyone else was off work. All off the Starbucks were closing early too.

Starbucks closing early because of the snowstorm.

Starbucks closing early because of the snowstorm.

Meanwhile the independent coffee shops were already closed, so I ended up going back home after a lovely tour of the neighborhood.

The dogs had very different reactions to the snow.

Ingrid, the labradoodle, loved the snow but was generally suspicious of snowmen. Whereas I think Günter was having traumatic flashbacks to our winters in St. Paul.

Ingrid the labradoodle inspecting a suspicious snowman.

Ingrid the labradoodle inspecting a suspicious snowman.

Ingrid the labradoodle experiencing her first Washington D.C. snowstorm.

Ingrid the labradoodle experiencing her first Washington D.C. snowstorm.

Ingrid the labradoodle experiencing her first Washington D.C. snowstorm with a tennis ball.

Ingrid the labradoodle experiencing her first Washington D.C. snowstorm with a tennis ball.

Gunter the chiweenie doesn't like the snow -- we gave him more clothing for subsequent outings.

Gunter the chiweenie doesn’t like the snow — we gave him more clothing for subsequent outings.

Fortunately, most of the snow will melt within a day or two — and hopefully that is the extent our winter experience this season. ❄

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