Now there has been more to my week than the random coffee shop crazies. MC took me on a tour St. Paul, which has a ton of beautiful old buildings. I also saw Macalester, where I almost went for undergrad. Hm.
And, gasp, a big honking Cathedral.

And yes those dots by the doors are people.
Ooo and look at the inside of the dome!

The Twin Cities remind me a lot of Germany. Well, of course you don’t have the altstadts or castles here, but there is definitely a richer sense of history in than in Miami or Wichita.
St. Paul feels like mountain country (after living in Miami at least). The Cathedral is on a slope and has a pretty nice view of the Minnesota capital building.

Seeing the Capital made me excited all over again for law school – “In a few years I might work in that building with the cathedral as my daily backdrop.”
I saw myself in a crowd of other lawyers marching up a nearby courthouse’s steps. NBC logo in the corner of the daydream screen.
Hah. Call Nancy!
I haven’t daydreamed about/dwelled on school too much though. I’ve hung out a bit more with the housemates and asked most of the wide-eyed 0L questions. But other than that… nope…
Class starts in three weeks. I can worry about it when my butt’s in the chair.
Until then I have almost a month of playing tourist and coffee-house rat.
And taking pictures of random things I see downtown like: