I love walking the dogs on campus during the weekends. The University of Minnesota campus is huge, and mostly abandoned on Saturdays.
It is also a gorgeous fall day. So to campus we went. We parked on the West Bank walked across the Washington Avenue bridge as I listened to MPR on the blackberry.
I notice several large groups of people on the East Bank and I assume that there is a football game or something. No big deal. I then see a large line just as I hear MPR news announcer say, “Lines already forming the U of M campus for President Obama’s visit.”
Stella and I are holed up at Starbucks studying for finals.
Strolling around campus with my camera makes me notice things that I’d otherwise miss, like the awesome details on the east bank buildings:
There’s a new player on the University of Minnesota East Bank skyline:
Fall construction pictures are here and here. The demolition pictures of the prior building are here.
I expected an uglier building than this, and I am still not sold on a sleek new building so close to the UMN mall. I guess this is called progress.