So I realize that the current comic-booky layout is not working for anyone, and that my writing is sparse lately.
I know, I’m sorry, now please stop sending me hate tweets. Direct your fury to Huma. Thanks.
So I realize that the current comic-booky layout is not working for anyone, and that my writing is sparse lately.
I know, I’m sorry, now please stop sending me hate tweets. Direct your fury to Huma. Thanks.
Professor W: “Is Mr. Jack here? Mr. Jack? Ah yes. So the footnote on page 701 reminds me of you. Are you embarrassed?”
Jack: “I’m slightly embarrassed, Mam.”
Professor W: “Well the note reminds me of you.”
Jack: “Why is that Mam?”
Professor W: “Because the litigant calls everyone Mam, just like you do.”
Jack: “Well, in my defense Mam, I did offer to call you Young Miss.”
Professor W: “Why use two words when one will do?! Besides both are equally inappropriate.”
Here are some more pictures from Tickles Bar:
The temperature is above freezing for once, so I decide to take the Rottweiler on her first run.
We reach the Lake of the Isles before I realize that Gertrude does not run, at all.
She trots for a few seconds and then plants her bum on the sidewalk like, “Oh, you think you can rush me, foo?”
I panic. I am stuck in a park, during the daytime, with a dog!
This is a disaster.
Walking in a dog in Minnesota is like wearing a red polo in a Target store: an invitation for harassment. Walking a dog feel like having a big sign across my chest: “I AM APPROACHABLE AND WILL LISTEN TO YOUR OVERSHARE!”
The cliché of “Minnesota Nice” is really a euphemism for “Minnesota Batshit-crazy.”
The constant conversation-starting and overshare1 makes me feel like I walked into one huge group home. Strangers tell me about any dog they – or a friend – has owned, their AA meetings, their relatives’ social security checks, their children, juicy canker sores… it’s…just…terrible.
But I have a plan! I turn up my MP3 player so loud that everyone will know that I can’t hear them and then just avoid eye contact! Brilliant!
A few people actually wave and invade my personal space to get my attention, but I flash a curt smile and keep walking. The message is clear: “Sorry if I appeared approachable. I’m not. Bye now.”
The long dog walk was also a bit of a chore because the Rottweiler is so awkward. She dives into chest-deep snow banks and flails around as if she’s swimming. This is cute for exactly 12 minutes before I yank the leash and drag her home.
This Gertrude after she scaled a retaining wall:
What an awkward duckling. I think she suits me.
And my Minnesota-induced social anxiety is not limited to dog walks…
Edit: I wrote a rather lengthy post about the “crazy” I’ve encountered in Minneapolis, but I had some unexpected time to think due to internet problems and I decided that I was unfair.
Here are my findings of fact (what’s the point of a JD if I can’t inject legalese into blog posts?):
Heck, many of my now-regular readers thought this blog was socially inappropriate when I started law school. A flamboyant, non-anonymous law student? Blogging? Tweeting? What? Gasp. “That’s inappropriate!”
Not anymore. One year later, Huma and I aren’t shocking at all, are we? Watch us give fashion claws…
“Social appropriateness” is a safe, but also a surefire way to be bland. It’s just like how Kelly Clarkson sells, but we how really prefer Madonna, Gaga, and Beyonce.
My problem with my Minneapolis crazies is that I constantly feel harassed, but this may be the price of living downtown in any city.
At least I’m not bored.
1 And before you go there, there’s a difference between a blog that YOU have to look up and someone randomly oversharing on the street to a complete stranger. And if you have a problem with my foursquare updates, I won’t be offended if you unadd me from facebook, dear.
This is a problem:
Let’s ignore my dirty car windshield for a second and focus:
Twenty seconds before I took this picture, this man was almost creamed by a school bus. He was drunk and whizzing around the wrong side of the street when the bus came around the corner. It was a motorized hot mess.
What is equally disturbing is that this is not the first man I have seen recklessly driving a motorized wheelchair on the streets. Maybe this phenomenon is due to the group homes in Uptown? Misleading promises of grand canyon trips? Carrie Prejean? I don’t know…
Two bigger traffic hazards in Minneapolis are the tailgating semi-trucks and the bikers. There is a well developed cycling culture in the city, but some cyclists think that things like hand signals and stop-lights are optional, and chaos ensues…then again a lot of the cab drivers think that stop-lights are optional too…
So the night started with me tweeting my personal phone number and my reluctance to meet Steve’s crew to 1660 people. 1
Why hello, this is called overshare.
I got over my shyness and made a guest appearance at the 19 Bar.2 Steve and I engaged in the usual amount cattiness and ignored the squirrelly guy smiling wildly from across the bar. What a shame! I forgot to bring my walnuts to feed the wildlife…
Too much excitement this week. One of the best things from last night was hotmess aka “the Wizard.”
Do we really want to know how many?
I can do tricks! See! WOOSH! My belt is rendered useless!