This was a rough summer, but hilarious. Pictures!
We recently went to the Toast of the Townhouse 2012 drag pageant. The Townhouse has a reputation as a dive bar, but the drag can be surprisingly good. The roster at the Gay 90’s is more static, so the new talent tends to appear at the Townhouse first.
This year’s winner was Brandonna Dupri. Pictures!
I know it’s time to post when I get the concerned “are you alive?” emails from readers. Well, I’m still here, and it has been a hilarious couple of weeks.
Let’s start with the most cliché shot of Minneapolis ever: the stone arch bridge:
Cee Cee Russell at the Gay 90’s:
There are some hardcore bikers at LA Fitness. I want to buy a vintage canary yellow moped and park it next to this:
Dates, friends, drag shows, quality time with the dogs, work, snow and unseasonably warm weather.
We hit the classafrass drag show with style as the cast of Calhoun Shore – Minnesota’s take on Jersey Shore.
Left to right: Krookie, Nay-Woww, The Dilemma, and Sweedo. Picture by Mrs. Pederson.
And it was a fabulous show, featuring:
It is Saturday night and my car glides through traffic on 494. Whip my Hair is on the radio and I am excited about tonight’s date. Things are awesome.
The awesomeness ends approximately 15 minutes later when I open my apartment door and get smacked by the smell of rotten eggs. Harley is sick and yarked everywhere.
I manage to clean up the copious amounts of yolk-like vomit, take the dogs out, drain the building boiler, and get dressed within 25 minutes. I am not going to be late for this date, dammit!
So of course, when I open the door to leave, I hear “BLARRG!”