legal humor

The Sadist and the Post-its

There’s a sadist in the law school.

There’s no other way to explain our schedule today. Pure, unfiltered, organic sadism.

Well, it was probably just a fluke… But I’m still blaming this faceless Sadistic scheduler. Let me feel victimized for a second.

And what was so horrible about our section’s schedule today? Well…

  • 8am-9am – Legal Writing
  • 9:05-10am – CivPro Structured Study Group
  • 10:55-12:10pm – Contracts
  • 12:15-1:05pm – Mandatory Constitution Day lecture
  • 1:25-2:20pm – CivPro
  • 2:30-3:25pm – Torts.
  • 3:35-“no later than 4:30pm!” – ConLaw Structured Study Group

…and while this doesn’t look so bad written down, think of it as almost 7 back to back law classes.
It feels like the part in a spy movie when they try to break the captured spy by showing him endless reruns of Olympic speed walking competitions until he breaks….

By the time we reached ConLaw SSG, half of us had the Minnesota nice knocked out of us. Only about 20 people showed up out of…80? Let’s just say attendance was two people short of sparse.

One of the braver girls in the section actually asked our SSG instructor,
“Hey, is there anyway we can reschedule this SSG? It’s on a really awful day for us. We’ve been going non stop since 8am and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I can only think of the crapload of work I have to do for tomorrow. We have all four of our real classes tomorrow and I’m swamped.”
She didn’t hear us, but those of us sitting in the back of the room were almost screaming “HERE HERE!! AMEN SISTA! PREACH IT!” Seriously. I almost caught the spirit back there.

The SSG instructor didn’t get it. “No, this time is pretty much set in stone. Sorry. But I’m raffling off packs of Post-It Notes today!”

um. We are going to leave that one alone.

And to her credit, one girl that won was so excited (to win post-it notes) that she actually screamed out “YES! I WON!” at the end of the session. This will also be left alone.

Oh, and in reference to this post, yes, I was that obnoxious “Well I did the extra reading and it ACTUALLY the case said this…” kid in class. Yes. That boy. I apologize. Everyone was like, “really? shut the f-up.” Or, as Professor T would say, “supremely disinterested.”

NOTE – this is the last time I steal the douchebag prizespotlight” from those who consistently work to maintain it. I promise.

Wait, was that mean? I apologize. I blame the schedule and the 3 extra hours of reading I have left to do… Some incarnation of Minnesota nice will return tomorrow.

And now, to Contracts…


  • rebecca
    September 18, 2008 at 10:55 am

    You know what…I notice that you consistently make remarks about your interest in what you are reading. (reading extra stuff) If I had to bet…Id say you are going to do very well. A genuine interest in your studies means something, it really does. I’m kinda jealous!

  • dennisjansen
    September 19, 2008 at 7:12 am

    Haha, simple interest doesn’t necessarily translate into good grades. I’ve been fascinated by courses that I’ve gotten a B’s and C’s in.

    I think sustained interest and actual learning are more important than the grade. 😉


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