Law School – 1L

Vicarious horror

Yesterday, my housemate and I walked into CivPro and got our laptops out.

My housemate’s screen flashed blue and then went black.
We exchanged “oh shit” looks and she tried to avoid drawing the prof’s attention during her silent panic.

She restarted her computer and got the, “Hi. Your computer sucks. Do you want to start Windows in Safety Mode?” screen. (Which, for a Mac Girl, must have been equally scary, but her laptop started successfully this time.)

While this was going on, I imagined losing all of my notes. BLEH. My gag reflex kicked in. I’ve been told to “backup, backup, backup!” about a dozen times, but I needed that moment of vicarious horror to actually do so:

That evening at Dunnhouse, the first thing I did was unwrap the flashdrive that I received during orientation, and backed up all of my OneNote files and class notes. Whew.

Now that I’m backed up the blue screens can bring it! Come see about D. Jansen. I stay two doors over…

(Haha, and yes that was a B.Scott reference)

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