overheard / Uptown Apartment / Whittier / Uptown Minneapolis

Yesina gets the boot

I went to drop off my rent check at the property management office1 and ran into my landlord in front of the building:
Landlord: “Hey! How are things? How’s the building?”
Me: “The building is nuts. I feel like I live in an episode of Cops.”
Landlord: “It’s Yesina isn’t it?”
Me: “Yes. She was arrested two weeks in a row!”
Landlord: “I’m really sorry about that. That woman is a fucking idiot. I am trying to kick her out, but these things take time – you understand that don’t you? I’m not even going through a normal eviction because she’s got to go!”

So it looks like Yesina’s days are numbered. The question is: will she leave with a bang?

And: can I convince some sane law students2 to take her place?

1 It’s on my way to work. I always hand deliver my rent because no one ever believes that the rent check was lost in the mail.
2 Total oxymoron.

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