3L Spring / HTC EVO 4G pictures / Life / Minneapolis-St. Paul / pictures

A day around campus

The day started at the park with the dogs. I didn’t have time to walk them around Lake Calhoun, so Fair Oaks Park had to do.


I then skipped to The Purple Onion Café in Dinkytown. This was my view for three hours:


I was at the Purple Onion to write a response paper for my German Cinema class.

I left the café just as the girl behind me started a full-blown rant about how going to college is equivalent to military service. Her friend then said that he would rather be shot at than complete his economics homework. I resisted the temptation to glare.

I didn’t appreciate most of my time at the University of Miami, so I can’t fault the bratty undergrad. He has no idea how privileged he is.

I then took one of the smaller bridges on campus back to the law school.


My ears froze on that bridge. I was convinced that I had frost bite but I knew it was not THAT cold because the river is no longer completely frozen over:


It still hurt to be outside.

I got comfort food, settled into the tax clinic, and started drafting letters and calling new clients.


Whatever, my diet is uncompromised.

After a few hours at the tax clinic it was time to go back across the river for German Cinema. I was SHOCKED that it was bright at 5pm because I am used to pitch blackness at 4:30pm. Does this mean I can stop taking Vitamin D pills?

I walked by the shoe tree on the way to class:


Apparently seniors throw shoes on it for good luck on their last final. I suspect these are the stinky, long-forgotten gym shoes discovered during end-of-the-year dorm clean out.

The night ended at the gym.


I got to reacquaint myself with the equipment and stare at the roided bulky undergrads. I want to be a Gorilla Juicehead for Halloween, so I have a long way to go. Fist pumps!


  • brran1
    January 26, 2011 at 11:49 am

    Chipotle? Diet uncompromised? Hmph. *eats carrot sticks while glaring at said Chipotle*

    • Jansen
      January 26, 2011 at 4:33 pm

      I lifted serious weights that day. I needed uh… protein. Besides, Chipotle is organic.

  • Gary
    January 27, 2011 at 2:05 pm

    Did you have any long-term effects from your gunshot wound? Did you ever settle the bill dispute from all that?

    • Jansen
      January 27, 2011 at 11:17 pm

      Just a scar from the entry wound and where they took the bullet out. The bills…I assume insurance and the hospital figured it out because I haven’t heard anything.

  • Shantelle
    January 27, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Ha! It’s so true about undergrads. I have ventured to main campus exactly one time, where I witnessed entirely too many tunic/legging combinations and a guy using his skateboard for a tray in the food court. I couldn’t ever go back.

    On the bus yesterday two very loud undergrads were whining about literary criticism. “There are way too many literary critics. They should stop CRITICIZING books and actually CREATE something.”

    I didn’t have the heart to tell her she’s a freaking moron, not that I loved my criticism classes or anything.

    • Jansen
      January 27, 2011 at 11:19 pm

      Buhaha, actually, I had the same feeling about literary criticism. It gets to a point where the analysis is totally divorced from the text. Living authors will tell you as much.

      It’s funny, I kept thinking of a piece public radio did about how undergrads don’t learn anything their first two years, and how most don’t learn anything through senior year. It’s just one long party…


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