Last year I went to the Twin Cities Pride Parade and I was thoroughly underwhelmed. I skipped the parade this year and went to Loring Park on Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday was muggy and drizzly, so the park wasn’t very busy.
Last year I went to the Twin Cities Pride Parade and I was thoroughly underwhelmed. I skipped the parade this year and went to Loring Park on Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday was muggy and drizzly, so the park wasn’t very busy.
We to see Far From Falling at the Gay Pride Block Party. Here are some pictures.
Gay Pride is sort of like Mardi Gras – you can run around half-naked or rock really obnoxious fashion and it’s somehow socially acceptable. My contribution to the hot messitude of Pride weekend is my douche bag haircut. Behold:
It is Minneapolis Gay Pride season again. We started the hilarity off yesterday at the Gay 90’s Miss City of the Lakes Pageant, which was bizarre combination of experienced performers and extremely green queens.
The regular girls are hard to top:
This week at the Pumps & Pearls Drag Revue (aka Classafrass) we saw some new outfits:
I’m all about the sticker graffiti in the neighborhood. I think it is more clever and interesting than the majority of spray painted graffiti around these parts.
The temperature this summer is bizarre. It is either in the low 60’s or upper 90s, and Harley isn’t about the heat:
There is large dog in my neighborhood named Chester. Chester’s owners never have him on a leash. Ever.
I used to let my dogs out in the back of my building without a leash late at night. After a very bad incident I learned that a dog fight will start regardless of how nice your dogs are. If the leashed dog is vicious then your dog will respond. A leashed dog is also more likely to assume an unleashed dog is a threat and the ensuing drama is ALWAYS the fault of the owner of the unleashed dog.
I went to Luther Nissan Kia yesterday because my windshield wipers broke again. My 30 minute appointment slowly crept past the 3-hour mark before I left. At first I was okay with the lengthy car appointment because it would allow me a chance to blog, but my new HP Envy laptop lagged so badly that I could not even type in Microsoft word properly.
A few hours later I parked at the Mall of America and walked to the Microsoft Store with my laptop. I felt like a complete terrorist walking through the mall with the computer bag. I even got a few nasty glares.
The next drag superstar is born!
Kiki Vivian Palmer performed Robyn’s “Call Your Girlfriend” at the Classafrass. So fab.
“A guy walked up to me last night randomly and said the following: “I don’t think I’d know what to do if I were a black guy in this city. I mean no one really wants to date you guys from what I’ve seen. I don’t even date black guys and I think of myself as a pretty liberal person. That’s gotta be tough cause you’re a pretty cute guy” *sigh. seriously? FML”
That is hilarious because it is true.
And of course sticker art has its own wikipedia entry. This stuff is so official, folks.
I spent too much time looking at architectural details when I walk around town. This was a bigger problem in Europe. I could barely walk down a block when I visited Haarlem in the Netherlands.
I love summer in Uptown Minneapolis. This is the Uptown theater, where they played Labyrinth.
Last summer an acquaintance asked me whether I was happy with how life has treated me so far. I can’t remember the exact way that he phrased the question, but I remember being intensely bothered with the underlying implication that life is something that happens to us and that we have little control over our current situation.
It’s absolutely not true. “I’m not a dog,” I thought. “I am an active participant in my life.”
I decided that I am going to stay in my current apartment building until I buy a house. Ideally this house would have a balcony where I can hang a hammock.