dogs / Life / picture of the day

Epic night

Our epic night started with an epic movie – Avatar.

I was weary of that movie. I am not a big science fiction fan, and the poster of the blue people looked ridiculous. However, this is the most talked-about movie since Paranormal Activity, so I gave into the buzz. Eric was the best person to go with because it was his 4th time seeing the movie!

We went to the swank ShowPlace ICON theater in St. Louis Park. The theater has a free parking ramp, a lounge and bar, and HD menus at the concession stand.

I thought it was odd that the theater had numbered rows and seats like an airplane. This is a great idea for busier nights, but the theater had about 20 people in it and all of us sat awkwardly close together.

Eric and I were in an empty row when this odd man plops in the seat right next to me. Of course it is his assigned seat. A few minutes later, Oddball inserts himself into our conversation and starts telling us his childhood stories. Oddball is about to launch into another story when three of my classmates enter the theater, greet me, and inform us “bitch, you’re in our seats!”

Turns out we didn’t know how to read the row numbers.

So we happily move away from Oddball and nestled in the better, actually-assigned seating for nearly 3 hours of intense cinematography. The movie had stunning special effects, but my attention eroded during the last 20 minutes because the movie was so damn long…

Afterwards we met up with Sabrina at the 19 Bar, where we danced to Beyonce and got into a heated conversation with a boyish lesbian DJ about house music.

Then we went to the Saloon. It was hip-hop night and we had a hilarious time, but there was also at least one black eye and several people yarking all over the place – no one in our party of course, because we keep it classy…

There was also a trip to the Uptown Diner and Eric finally got to meet Gertrude, who has taken a liking to him:

Rottweiler and Bullmastiff

Rottweiler and Bullmastiff

Rottweiler and Bullmastiff

I wonder if I can get shots of all of my friends with the dogs…

Today was a little miserable. My nose started running at the Saloon last night and I assumed that it was another allergic reaction to Eric’s cats. This afternoon the nasal congestion turned into full blown sneezing sickness, so I am going to take my diseased self to bed. After the dog walk of course…


  • Katie
    January 23, 2010 at 4:35 pm

    Hey! I think I know that DJ!

    (I have nothing of substance to add, I was just excited by that thought.)

    • Jansen
      January 24, 2010 at 11:17 am

      Haha, who needs substance 😉 She was supercute, pint-sized…boyish… she said she used to live in San Fran and Naples before moving here.


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