The maids came this afternoon to clean my old place.
I left the keys with my neighbors and I’m officially a St. Paul boy now.

It was a full-circle type of moment.
As a kid, I was really into John Grisham. I wanted to be the power-lawyers in his books – working long hours in big cities.
The law degree happened (at a decent school), and so did the long hours (albeit in advertising.) And so did the yuppie lifestyle…
It’s nice to be here, but I decided tonight that this is just another step (rather than an end-point.)
My friend Tyler came over and we rehashed my crazy apartments and exes. We both decided that I’ve come a long way, but I still got some work left to do.
What I didn’t expect is that this ambition thing comes with a permanent sense of unrest. I can barely enjoy achieving goals because I’m already working on the next big thing.
Minneapolis was fun, but I’m too busy in St. Paul to reminiscence properly. These are my first world problems.
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