blackberry pictures / dogs / Halvers / Life / picture of the day

Phone book Hoarder

Now, I’m sure this is just a guy delivering phone books:

phone book

But I see a ton of junked-up cars in my neighborhood which remind me of the people on A&E’s Hoarders show.

Halvers and I watched a few episodes of Hoarders last night. That show makes me completely paranoid and induces cleaning sprees.

My problem is not hoarding per se – I don’t buy too much crap or have trouble throwing it away. My problem is not putting things away. Clean laundry stays in the basket, clean dishes stay in the rack, and when I go shopping, I’ll refrigerate the groceries and leave the rest of the purchases in bags on the kitchen table for days.

The dogs both add to the chaos and help prevent it. They shed, tread mud, and sprinkle bones throughout the apartment. But the dogs also keep any disorganization to a minimum because of the constant threat of them having a “LET’S DESTROY EVERYTHING” moment.

And because I lived in Miami, land of the roaches, food is never, ever left out. The dogs and the threat of mice and fruit flies demand that all foodstuffs get zipped, sealed, and refrigerated.

But there are still shoes, bones, and laundry spread around, it looks crazy, and some cleaning will be done before the A&E crew comes…


  • Dane FIndley
    December 3, 2010 at 9:31 pm

    Actually, there’s a sort of logic to your procrastination. I mean, the clothes and laundry are clean, and you might use those items again soon, in which case putting them away — while not a waste of time — seems less necessary.

    We all have our quirks — I enjoy doing dishes in the morning, but dislike doing them at night. I’m quite stubborn about it. Fortunately, by spouse is willing to handle the evening dishes, so I’ve got a good thing goin’!

    • Jansen
      December 4, 2010 at 1:18 am

      Haha. Does he have a brother?


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