Dallas / Life / Lowertown / Thomson Reuters


Artist Pictures in Lowertown

Next week I’ll be in Dallas.

The logistics of moving are exhaustingchoosing a power company, contracting with a new internet provider, closing accounts, getting paperwork together, and that nagging sense that I’m overestimating what fits into my car.

Almost all of my furniture is already gone.

I just have my ratty couch, my work desk, and a mattress on the floor (it kind of looks like a crack den.)

Also, apparently this is what $21 in used books looks like:

What $21 in used books looks like

What $21 in used books looks like. I sold them at Half Priced Books in Roseville, Minnesota.

I hauled the books to the Half Priced books in Roseville.

That store is one of the strangest places I’ve ever been to.

It looks like a normal book store, but it’s staffed by very thin and bored-looking hipsters. The customers were equal parts young parents, old people, and tatted 40-somethings.

I sat around for about 30 minutes while waiting for my books to get appraised. I was so bored by the time they called my name that I would have accepted any amount. (This is probably not by mistake.)

Thomson Reuters FindLaw

Backing my office at FindLaw / Thomson Reuters in Eagan, Minnesota

The office is already packed.

I’ve worked at the Thomson Reuters campus in Eagan for six years now. They recruited me from Twitter during my 1L year and I’ve called this 7,000-person corporate complex home ever since.

This is the building we call the “Death Star” – it’s actually too big to photograph in its entirety.

Thomson Reuters Eagan

Thomson Reuters D Building in Eagan, Minnesota

Funny how easy it is to get used to things like this.


I’ve also spent a lot of time with new and old friends.

People are very eager to hang out when there’s the distinct possibility that they’ll never see you again.

Although isn’t it interesting that those most eager to hang out are the same people who haven’t invited me to anything in years? (Is that a bratty observation?)

Six more days – new adventures await!

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