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Best Summer Ever 15: Twilight

It feels like everyone started school already, but the University of Minnesota law school starts after labor day, so I still have a week left of summer.

I only have one week of summer left because orientation leader training starts this Friday and I will spend the entire first week of September encouraging the new 1Ls to be less awkward around each other. I think we call that mingling.

So while the other law students figure out how to read cases, stress about employment, and even represent themselves in court, you can find me at the lake.

And I know it makes for dull reading and summary posts, but it is a lot of fun.

My time is spent working, listening to MPR, walking the krakens, biking, and watching trashy TV shows online with Alesus… you know, that “relaxation” thing that they beat out of us 1L year sometime between Contracts and Torts.

Oh, and there’s the occasional night out with drag show fabulousness:

Dra Matica drag queen

Dra Matica drag queen

That’s Dra Matica, performing at the Townhouse Bar in St. Paul. She’s giving us some Diana Ross realness, and it’s fabulous.

The Thursday night drag shows are a favorite, but my pictures are always blurry because of the blackberry camera. Maybe I can get permission to haul my heavy-duty camera over and get some crisp photos. We’ll see.

I know it’s the twilight of 2L summer, but my last week of summer is all about working, more lake time, dog time, and maybe even my first trip to the State Fair. And before you other law students get stabby, remember that I’ll be in your shoes in about a week. But for now, I’m still on vacation. Covet.


  • erin
    August 23, 2010 at 11:00 am

    Oh, you must go to the fair. It is Minnesota in all its stereotypical Midwestern glory. And the food really is as awesome as everyone says.

    • Jansen
      August 23, 2010 at 9:24 pm

      Oh bleh. I don’t know if I can justify taking off work to indulge in the crazy.

  • TDot
    August 23, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    I’m officially jealous you get to wait until after Labor Day #haterpost

    • Jansen
      August 23, 2010 at 9:25 pm

      Buhahaha. Well, remember I’m in orientation training starting Friday, so summer’s ending early for me!

  • […] Naomi (who I only knew from twitter) told me that she planned to take a group of her friends to the Townhouse for Welfare […]


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