Another night at the Saloon.
I know it’s time to post when I get the concerned “are you alive?” emails from readers. Well, I’m still here, and it has been a hilarious couple of weeks.
Let’s start with the most cliché shot of Minneapolis ever: the stone arch bridge:
Cee Cee Russell at the Gay 90’s:
There are some hardcore bikers at LA Fitness. I want to buy a vintage canary yellow moped and park it next to this:
Back in Florida Carlos and I would trek up to Wilton Manors to the T. Palace drag show.
This is one of the best performances we saw:
I remember thinking how strange it felt recording the drag show. An amazing performance was going on in front of me but I was watching it on my camera screen. It was a tradeoff though because without the video, no one would remember the show.
This implicates that whole art vs. life / creation vs. consumption dichotomy that I spent way too much time thinking about during undergrad. It’s something that Oscar Wilde and Truman Capote grappled with too. It goes like this: you can either be out partying and socializing or you can be at home, working and creating. Each can fuel and yet compromise the other.
So my experience at the Noel Leon show was compromised by the recording, but that recording preserved the memory and allows me to share the experience years later. Fair trade?
Well! This was a rather successful Halloween. I decided to decorate the house because this was my first year giving out candy. These $5 window-hangs did the trick, although they were way more gruesome than I expected.
We went out the night before. I was a zombie lesbian soccer player. Tader was a runner who had been hit by a car. I think my costume was a little grosser.
The Toast of the Townhouse Pageant was …interesting. About half of the contestants took it seriously and Mercedes Iman won!
What a week. There were epic hikes around the lakes, drag shows, dates, and long days at the office. Apparently there is a life after law school.
I know the pictures are sparse and blurry, but the girls at classafrass turned it out tonight.
We to see Far From Falling at the Gay Pride Block Party. Here are some pictures.
So it is officially hotter in Minneapolis than it is in Miami. Summer is here, the neighborhood looks lush, and my freshness is compromised.
Kristin and I went to the Sequin Sundays drag show at the Townhouse for the first time and we were thoroughly entertained. The show had the most random mix of performances ever. There was lip syncing, live singing, comedy, tap, magic tricks, fire, broadway, gospel, and some serious fierceness.
More pictures after the jump.
The day started with me bumming around downtown Minneapolis. It was rainy, but I wore red suede shoes anyway.
After participating in a Target fire drill, I eventually end up in Uptown where I sat at the Spyhouse until the internet gave out. I think they prevent lingerers by periodically killing the internet for certain users.
There was a pizza/reality-TV detour, but I eventually mopped the tomato sauce off my face and went to the Eagle and met Mike and Jack there. The Eagle was pretty low-key so we eventually end up at Jetset.
Of course Casey and entourage are outside of Jetset, raising hell. Mike and I did the screaming “Hayyy girl!” greeting and then got our shimmy on with a 8-foot-drag queen and her denim-dress-wearing friend. What a perfectly random night.
The graduation weekend started at the Eagle with Darmor. Kristin and I continue the hilarity at Lush, where they are out of mint yet again.
Mojito-less, we have to resort to a mystery purple drink that tastes just like grape freezy-pops. And no, that is not as tasty as it sounds.
There’s a costume change and the mojito party picks up at Jetset. Richard and Robert are there, as well as Casey and his entourage. The mojitos at Jetset are good but the music is a bit dull, so we begrudgingly decide to go to Krave.
Krave is a seasonal party at Karma nightclub in downtown Minneapolis. I avoided Krave at Karma in the past because it felt like a hassle and a risk. Am I going to hunt down parking, spend $10 on cover and be disappointed when other bars are free? Plus these special-event parties tend to be on bad homework weekends… Excuses, right?
Well, I got over myself and went. And lawd,
It was like a miniature version of South Beach’s Score nightclub. The theme was Jersey Shore so you know Kristin rocked the Snooki bump.
There are also a few JWowws skipping around and a lot of fist pumping. I love it! The DJ sticks to 5-year-old dance hits and the occasional top-40 remix (Enrique). We are all thoroughly underwhelmed but make the best of it by having a mini-runway competition on the upper floors of the club. Verk!
What a hilarious start to the graduation weekend. More hilarity to come.
I freaking love foursquare.
Lush bar is in an industrial area and the bar’s parking lot is down the street, behind a bunch of factories.
It looks like where they find the body on The First 48: train tracks, broken fences, and mattresses. And of course it has a very descriptive name on Foursquare.