I guess every neighborhood has its hoarders.
The apartment hunt began in earnest today with our first showing. The apartment was in Uptown and a very short girl in very high heels was our host. The building was about as old as mine (1920’s) and I was unamused by the pricing. The landlord wanted about $1,800 just for the dogs with $600 in deposits and almost $100 in pet rent.
I’m all about the sticker graffiti in the neighborhood. I think it is more clever and interesting than the majority of spray painted graffiti around these parts.
“A guy walked up to me last night randomly and said the following: “I don’t think I’d know what to do if I were a black guy in this city. I mean no one really wants to date you guys from what I’ve seen. I don’t even date black guys and I think of myself as a pretty liberal person. That’s gotta be tough cause you’re a pretty cute guy” *sigh. seriously? FML”
That is hilarious because it is true.
And of course sticker art has its own wikipedia entry. This stuff is so official, folks.
I spent too much time looking at architectural details when I walk around town. This was a bigger problem in Europe. I could barely walk down a block when I visited Haarlem in the Netherlands.
I love summer in Uptown Minneapolis. This is the Uptown theater, where they played Labyrinth.
I decided that I am going to stay in my current apartment building until I buy a house. Ideally this house would have a balcony where I can hang a hammock.
Some of the interesting street art in Uptown right now is in the form of a sticker:
More pictures after the jump.
So it is officially hotter in Minneapolis than it is in Miami. Summer is here, the neighborhood looks lush, and my freshness is compromised.
I am disgusted and my freshness is compromised. It is 91 degrees in Minneapolis right now. That’s 3 degrees warmer than the current temperature in Miami.
Not only is it unflatteringly hot, but it is also overcast.
Even after a long day at work with a 32-mile bike commute, I still make time to sneak to Lake Calhoun.