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Best Summer Ever 12: Housed?

It’s a full circle moment. Remember how aggravating the housing search was when I first moved to Minnesota? Well, the post-law school housing search with dogs was even worse, and everyone’s over it.

mastiff rottweiler

Working from home three days a week was a horrible thing during the apartment search. Half of Minnesota was also looking for housing, so I screened potential tenants for my own building while searching for a way to get out of it. I finished all of my work, but the distractions were uncomfortable. I like being ahead and prefer not to pull a marathon on Friday.

The good news is that we finally found a place and we move in next week! Living in a house is going to feel weird. Do I need to have Christmas decorations and pumpkins now? Pie for the neighbors? Bird feeders? And what the heck are we going to call it on foursquare?

1 Comment

  • […] Tader and I spent the bulk of the weekend recording episodes for Listener’s Discretion Advised, a popular gay podcast hosted by Margie Pederson. There is a public health STD/awareness angle in there somewhere, but most of it is catty talk spirited debate. Topics included: open relationships, gay club life, moving in with a loved one, and gay stereotypes. […]


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