3L Fall / 3L Fall Summaries / Life / Minneapolis-St. Paul

Best Week Ever 7: Escaping Due Mode

Time clock in train station

Note: “Best Week Ever” posts summarized the week’s events.

This week? Ugh. Well, I strongly considered killing the Rottweiler twice – once for waking me up in the middle of the night, and another time for shutting down in front of the Obama line. The Obama thing was technically my fault, but she can’t exactly defend herself, so I win.

I also went to a very expensive movie, returned to vlogging, and made the locker room of the law school smell like a whorehouse. What a  productive week!

Actually, productivity was an issue this week. Most of my classes require that I turn in weekly assignments. The weekly assignments make it easy to slip into “due mode” where I focus solely on what is due next. The problem with due mode is that the assignments create a sense of urgency, things pile up, and “oh look I need to clean my kitchen RIGHT NOW.”


But it all gets done somehow, sometimes right before class, and I end up stressed with a fabulously clean apartment.

My goal for the coming week is to get out of due mode. When I’m procrastinating an assignment I can do things like clean my apartment but I won’t let myself do things like read ahead for class, redesign the blog, or work on my album….all of which I need to do. So here’s to escaping the due…right after I finish my tax procedure assignment…

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