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Just Sayin

The university described in Scalia’s parenthetical reminds me a lot of the University of Miami, where there was a beast known as “minority life” which consisted of minority fraternal organizations, clubs, events, and a de facto minority dorm.

That was the backdrop for the 0L summer “I am not Tyronetirade post.

That was also why I didn’t apply to the minority Big Law summer internship program, which had a prompt akin to “Tell us your victimization story.”

Anyhoot. Back to Conlaw… this week is officially crunch time…

blog theory / Just Sayin

Weeding my twitter

I have two twitter account.

My @dennisjansen account is for friends, news feeds, and celebrities that I follow closely. It also updates my facebook status, so my tweets are less frequent.

I update my @dennisjansen more frequently, add people more freely, and use the account to interact without cluttering up my friend’s facebook feeds.

I’ve taken the approach of adding everyone who adds me on @dennisjansen, and this is a mistake, because not all twitter-friends are created equal.

Here is an example of the types of tweets I see through @dennisjansen:

Twitter twhirl

These are the types of tweets that I see on @dennisjansen:

Twitter twhirl

Needless to say, I have to wade through a lot of crap on the @dennisjansen account.

The point of the @dennisjansen account is not the amount of followers, but the ability to interact/network with more people. All off these marketing, news-aggregating, all around crappy twitterers are cluttering my feed, and some weeding is in order.

I’m going on an unadd campaign!

See also:

These people are not worth interacting with or following.

Just Sayin / Law School / Law School – 2L

More brown faces

Note: I understand people are busy, so here are some cliffnotes for the rant:

  • Diversity Initiatives aimed at black students tend to assume that all black students are African American and have a shared background.
  • Diversity is more than a skin-color. The Persian or Korean student may have more to add than a “black” student who grew up in a “white” environment, but there is an arbitrary preference for the black student.

Today’s reading assignment for Employment law involved Title VII workplace discrimination claims.

I was reminded of the “I am not Tyrone” post that I wrote during the law school admissions process when I was worried about law schools balking at my lack of stereotypical African-American “blackness” because that was exactly what some schools were recruiting me for.

After the first day of orientation, my housemates pointed out that I was the only black person in our year.1 This was a recurring conversation during my 1L year, and I was amused that the lack of “diversity” bothered2 white students more than it did me.

This year the law school gave fee vouchers to black applicants and (surprise, surprise) we have more black students.

Several of our 50-some-odd transfers are also black. Of course the Black Law Students Association is thrilled, but I think the black students serve a dual purpose by giving the white students a piece of mind.3

Congratulations. You can feel like you go to a “diverse” school now.

Out of the seven 1Ls at the BLSA meeting, I think only one of them wasn’t mixed (ie, half/white or Asian) but Americans who want diversity for diversity’s sake care primarily about appearance of African-American ancestry.4

The most obvious example of this is our president, and the reaction of the African-American community to his election.

No one stopped to ask whether the son of white woman and an African immigrant bore anything more than a superficial relation to the African-American community.4 Obama is not the progeny of the people who have been oppressed in this country for 400 years any more than Bobby Jindal is.

And what about an Indian candidate? Would Jessie Jackson be as excited to see Bobby Jindal win the presidency? What if Jindal was married to a black woman? Would we have Jindal T-shirts at Urban Outfitters then?

The answer is no.

The civil rights movement opened the door for Jindal just as it did for people of every race and sex, but we would not have the same homecoming celebration for anyone that did not “appear” African-American because the focus on diversity is as superficial as the discriminatory practices it aims to counter.

Anyhoot, before I start parroting Michelle Malkin, let me just get to the holding5 of the post:
A diversity initiative is bigoted and backward if it simply seeks people of a particular skin color irrespective of whether that person truly represents the historically oppressed group that the diversity initiative is trying to promote.
If a Haitian-American student is eligible for the “black scholarship” then why not an Asian American? The only difference is that we didn’t historically oppress as many people that look like the Asian as much as we did people who look like the Haitian. Why should the Haitian benefit from this?

Sure, we aren’t going to inquire about a black person’s background to determine whether they are African American like we ask for tribal affiliation of a Native American. So why bother?

What is the point of recruiting black students, or persons of any minority status at all? Under the current system the half-black student raised in a white household gets a fee voucher and a tour, but the Persian or Korean applicant is ignored.

And I’m not saying that I don’t appreciate the diversity of my school., because I think it’s fascinating.

But to me the diversity includes the ignored minorities (the Persians, Koreans, Chinese), the variety6 of black students, and even the white students who come from different parts of the country and have different education/vocational backgrounds.

And I think it is sad that this diversity is lost on the students and administrators who are only looking for more brown faces.7

1 There are two others, but they were not as readily identifiable.
2 It annoys me that people refer to the lack of one minority group (blacks) as “a lack of diversity.” Nevermind the East-Asians, Indians, Hispanics, and Native Americans we have in our year – everyone wants to see Tyrone.
3 Not to say that being half-black somehow makes one “not black” but what I’m harping on is the assumption that all black people share the same African-American background, which is the only assumption that can justify the focus on the community. Do people really care about the Ethiopian or Somali students? If so, why are these people not equally thrilled by the amount of East-Indians and Koreans at our school?
4 Community organizing and marrying an African-Woman helps. I’m not saying that he’s not special for his own reasons, but the phrase “the first black president” implies “the first African-American president” rather than “the first Kenyan-American president.”
5 If blog posting interrupts my legal research I can use “Holding.”
6 Somali, Caribbean, black-white, black-filipino, black-Cuban…Africans…etc. Really this is a forest/for the trees statement. The “black” community is more diverse than your average person cares about.
7 These are the same people that don’t realize that Hispanics in Miami look more like Gloria, Enrique, and Pitbull than Carlos Mencia.

1L summer / Just Sayin / Minneapolis-St. Paul

Not intended to frighten.

Student alone

The vice president of the University of Minnesota just sent out an email:

Yesterday, the University of Minnesota Police Department issued a Public Safety Alert regarding a shooting that occurred just off campus. This Public Safety Alert was the fourth issued in just over a week, and it’s unfortunate that this spate of crimes has occurred as students are returning to campus and the University community is preparing for the 2009-10 academic year.
The alerts are sent out because the University of Minnesota is committed to the safety of our students, faculty, and staff, and in compliance with the federal Clery Act.
Alerts are not intended to alarm or frighten anyone.

Really? Let’s see, here are some gems from the University of Minnesota’s public safety department:

fitness / Just Sayin / Life

I’m opting out.

I was in high school when I watched Supersize Me. At the time, I ate at McDonalds twice a day, every day. The movie didn’t phase me, and my drive-thru habits continued. 1

After reading Jillian Michael’s “Master your Metabolism” my grocery list turned into that of a hippie yoga teacher, but drive-thrus were still the norm when I didn’t make time to stop at the grocery store.

My eating habits consisted of fruits, vegetables, and fresh meat mixed with fast food and vending machine “food.”

I realized that my eating habits reached the disgusting level last week during my summer school final exams. I felt queasy and sleep deprived, and my stack of bluebooks was surrounded by cups of vending machine coffee2, two bags of pretzels, a bag of generic vending machine salted trail mix, and a box of Mike & Ikes. Sure, I had healthy food at home, but this crap was somehow in front of me.

Sometime between my Professional Responsibility exam and my Wills & Trust exam I decided this had to stop.

That day I decided to ditch the vending machine food and the late night fast food trips.

On Saturday, Jill and I were pulling a marathon work day, and we decided to take a break and fetch lunch. I decided to shake up the new “healthy” diet with a strategically timed trip to Culver’s.3 I figured that a burger wouldn’t shake things up too much…

…and I was wrong.

We get back to work, I eat the burger, and twenty minutes later we hear a loud cranking and gurgling sound.
Jill: “Oh my god, is that your stomach!?”
I give her a pathetic, panicked look and flee to the restroom.

Culver’s was officially axed from the diet.

Today, I axed all the other fast food restaurants. I saw the movie “Food Inc.” and I think it finished the diet change that Jillian Michaels started.

Jillian described how disgusting most food is, but it is one thing to read about how gross food is, and it’s another thing to see it.

The reason why Supersize Me didn’t change my eating habits is because I lost weight on my straight-McDonald’s diet. Supersize Me didn’t disgust me because I knew that fast food was made from poorly treated, hormone pumped animals and chemically engineered potatoes. So what?

Food Inc. answered the “So what?” question.

Just Sayin / the cases

God says stab?

We are covering mental insanity in Crimlaw today.
In today’s case1 the defendant stabbed his wife in the back because she did not support his (and god’s) plan for a sports facility:
Serravo (the defendant) gave the doctor a history of having worked on a plan, inspired by his relationship to God, to establish a multi-million dollar sports complex called Purely Professionals.

This facility, according to Serravo, would enable him to achieve his goal of teaching people the path to perfection. On the night of the stabbing, Serravo, according to the history given to Doctor Seig, was excited because he finally believed that he had received some positive encouragement in his endeavor from some King Soopers union members, but he was discouraged by some inner “evil spirits” who kept raising troublesome questions about how he would deal with his wife’s lack of encouragement and support.

…the court of appeals determined that, although there was some evidence indicating that Serravo knew the stabbing of his wife was illegal and contrary to societal standards of morality, there was evidentiary support for the insanity verdict because there was expert testimony that Serravo was inspired by an insane delusion that God had decreed the act.
More of the case after the jump:

Just Sayin / unsolicited advice

Bitching is unprofessional.

Don’t write bitchy tweets. They will be used against you.

I learned this the hard way in undergrad, when I worked at the front desk of a dormitory over summer break. The dormitory housed a summer scholar camp.

The campers were obnoxious, poorly supervised high school students. The camp counselors were college students.

On this particular day, the campers are seated near the front desk and paying never have I everwhich is one of those games that quickly goes to the gutter. Within 10 minutes the high school students are screaming about bestiality and orgies.

I am not amused, so I write a bitchy tweet and then return to my book. The tweet was something like, “About to send these vulgar kids out into the rain!”

The tweet updates my facebook status. I think nothing of it.

Just Sayin / Senior Year

Can I get a big resounding wtf?

Email from my boss…

Hecht = My dorm
SA = Security assistants

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to make you aware that there may be an increased security presence in Hecht for the next couple of weeks.

Due to some extreme behavior by residents that is creating a potentially dangerous environment for other students and one not conducive to sleep and study SA’s will be spending some extra time in the elevator lobbies on certain floors.

If you see them just say hello! If you feel that your floor may also need this increased presence let me know.

We have limited staff to work with but will do what we can. If you have any questions or concerns let  me know.

– Bosslady

What the hell, Miami?

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