So this was obviously taken before the snow storm, but I don’t want forget to mention this house.
So this was obviously taken before the snow storm, but I don’t want forget to mention this house.
What’s worse than being a Fedex guy in a snow storm?
…being the Fedex guy with the broken truck.
More randomness around Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota tuition protest posters still cake campus:
I think I found where the neighborhood hippies live. And I wondered where that pot smell came from!
This blog was way overdue for a new header, and I decided to feature Harley this winter.
He’s disgusting by the way…
Yes, the drool gave him the leaf-mouth-earrings. Sigh.
A historic storm hit Minneapolis last night. There were 60mph wind gusts which made the evening dog walk feel like being simultaneously cast in a Willow Smith video and a dramatic scene from Harry Potter.
The bulk of the storm was last night, but this morning’s commute was still windy and filled with that soggy type of snow that doesn’t stick. Jill caught me running out of the school parking garage in this plague weather.
Note: “Best Week Ever” posts summarized the week’s events.
This week? Ugh. Well, I strongly considered killing the Rottweiler twice – once for waking me up in the middle of the night, and another time for shutting down in front of the Obama line. The Obama thing was technically my fault, but she can’t exactly defend herself, so I win.
I also went to a very expensive movie, returned to vlogging, and made the locker room of the law school smell like a whorehouse. What a productive week!
I love walking the dogs on campus during the weekends. The University of Minnesota campus is huge, and mostly abandoned on Saturdays.
It is also a gorgeous fall day. So to campus we went. We parked on the West Bank walked across the Washington Avenue bridge as I listened to MPR on the blackberry.
I notice several large groups of people on the East Bank and I assume that there is a football game or something. No big deal. I then see a large line just as I hear MPR news announcer say, “Lines already forming the U of M campus for President Obama’s visit.”
I am at the office’s coffee/hot water machine. It’s a Tazo tea day. A curly-haired woman approaches from the side and we both do a start-stop motion towards the machine.
Me: “Oh, sorry. Go ahead.”
Curls: “Oh no, you go.”
Me: “It’s fine.”
Curls: “You were here first.”
Me: “Well thank you.”
Curls: “You’re very welcome.”
Cee and I went to the ShowPlace ICON tonight to watch Wes Craven’s new flick, My Soul To Take.
The ShowPlace ICON is Minneapolis’ nicest theater, but one of the creepiest things about the theater is that the automated ticket machine has a British accent. It’s ridiculous.
We get to the theater and find a pack of teenage girls occupying both of the expat teller machines. We wait, and the girls eventually finish and skip into the main part of the theater.
I walk up to the British auto-teller. Cee is at the machine next to mine.
The tree leaves colored, launched themselves from their branches, and blanketed every corner of Minneapolis. The leaves are crunchy too! Walking around feels like smashing Sun Chips, minus the faux-healthy chip grease and glaring janitor.