I love summer in Uptown Minneapolis. This is the Uptown theater, where they played Labyrinth.
I love summer in Uptown Minneapolis. This is the Uptown theater, where they played Labyrinth.
I decided that I am going to stay in my current apartment building until I buy a house. Ideally this house would have a balcony where I can hang a hammock.
Some of the interesting street art in Uptown right now is in the form of a sticker:
More pictures after the jump.
So it is officially hotter in Minneapolis than it is in Miami. Summer is here, the neighborhood looks lush, and my freshness is compromised.
Kristin and I went to the Sequin Sundays drag show at the Townhouse for the first time and we were thoroughly entertained. The show had the most random mix of performances ever. There was lip syncing, live singing, comedy, tap, magic tricks, fire, broadway, gospel, and some serious fierceness.
More pictures after the jump.
I don’t know what my poor hairstylist was thinking when I came in with a picture of “The Situation” from Jersey Shore and said, “I WANT MY HAIR TO LOOK LIKE THAT!”
I am disgusted and my freshness is compromised. It is 91 degrees in Minneapolis right now. That’s 3 degrees warmer than the current temperature in Miami.
Not only is it unflatteringly hot, but it is also overcast.
The Rottweiler has lost it.
She chewed through the metal kennel door and broke the padlocks that kept the door in place. There were jagged bars hanging from the door when I got home.
We remember the hot mess that happened the last time that she broke her kennel, so I couldn’t just hope that this was a one-time deal. After an appropriate amount of raging about the apartment, I threw the dogs in the car and went to Petsmart to buy a new steel-enforced KONG kennel. Harley was smushed with it in the backseat.
Even after a long day at work with a 32-mile bike commute, I still make time to sneak to Lake Calhoun.
I can’t leave Harley alone for a second or he breaks into the cashews. Today he shredded the tupperware and ate about a half-pound of cashews.