I started cackling in the Walgreens checkout line when I saw this:
I had the post written, and then wordpress logged me out. So pictures will have to do.
I walked the dogs in Loring Park almost every day last week, when it wasn’t raining that is…
I knew something was wrong when I opened my apartment door and the Rottweiler shoved past me and started creeping down the hall.
The mud finally dried, so it was time to hit Lake Calhoun with the dogs.
It was overcast, but a perfect 65 degrees and gorgeous.
Today was perfectly dull, and yet just right. Work, dog walk, Top Model, bed.
And Loring Park was so gorgeous today.
Today’s weather is why people love Minneapolis.
It’s spring, the hipsters are out, and the weather is at a sunny 65-degrees. Bliss.
The day starts with a dog walk around Uptown. Keeping them from demolishing people’s flower beds is harder than it looks.
I throw the dogs back into the apartment and join Mike at the Stella’s Fish Cafe rooftop. The view is amazing, but it is so windy that occasional screams are heard as the plastic water cups launch onto unsuspecting laps.
Oh, and I think they are hiring spell checkers…
Our poor waitress is so overwhelmed. She is the only server for the upper level rooftop and she has about a dozen tables at one point. Things get so desperate that the bus-girl starts taking orders and filling waters. The waitress looks like she was about to cry, but we are in no rush because Stella’s has $5 mojitos when you check in on foursquare. Freaking-yeah.
After a detour to South Minneapolis, the party continues with Kristin and entourage at Tryg’s, near Lake Calhoun. We sit by the fire pit:
This is a cool idea in theory, but a fire pit is not so cool when you are down-wind. We smelled like smoked fish by the time we left. It was so bad that I run to the gas station and buy a $10 can of axe to freshen up.
Tryg’s was good for some excellent people watching though:
Yes that’s a red tie and a page-boy cut. You should have seen the socks. Not pictured is the wine-clutching grandpa and the mulleted biker.
We then go back to Stellas to join a bloated group of someone else’s friends. There weren’t enough seats at Stella’s so we ditched the girls and ended the night around the corner with sushi at Fushion.
I also manage to set up a date for tomorrow while at Fushion. Not a bad way to end my graduation weekend.
The real world starts tomorrow.
The day started with me bumming around downtown Minneapolis. It was rainy, but I wore red suede shoes anyway.
After participating in a Target fire drill, I eventually end up in Uptown where I sat at the Spyhouse until the internet gave out. I think they prevent lingerers by periodically killing the internet for certain users.
There was a pizza/reality-TV detour, but I eventually mopped the tomato sauce off my face and went to the Eagle and met Mike and Jack there. The Eagle was pretty low-key so we eventually end up at Jetset.
Of course Casey and entourage are outside of Jetset, raising hell. Mike and I did the screaming “Hayyy girl!” greeting and then got our shimmy on with a 8-foot-drag queen and her denim-dress-wearing friend. What a perfectly random night.
The graduation weekend started at the Eagle with Darmor. Kristin and I continue the hilarity at Lush, where they are out of mint yet again.
Mojito-less, we have to resort to a mystery purple drink that tastes just like grape freezy-pops. And no, that is not as tasty as it sounds.
There’s a costume change and the mojito party picks up at Jetset. Richard and Robert are there, as well as Casey and his entourage. The mojitos at Jetset are good but the music is a bit dull, so we begrudgingly decide to go to Krave.
Krave is a seasonal party at Karma nightclub in downtown Minneapolis. I avoided Krave at Karma in the past because it felt like a hassle and a risk. Am I going to hunt down parking, spend $10 on cover and be disappointed when other bars are free? Plus these special-event parties tend to be on bad homework weekends… Excuses, right?
Well, I got over myself and went. And lawd,
It was like a miniature version of South Beach’s Score nightclub. The theme was Jersey Shore so you know Kristin rocked the Snooki bump.
There are also a few JWowws skipping around and a lot of fist pumping. I love it! The DJ sticks to 5-year-old dance hits and the occasional top-40 remix (Enrique). We are all thoroughly underwhelmed but make the best of it by having a mini-runway competition on the upper floors of the club. Verk!
What a hilarious start to the graduation weekend. More hilarity to come.
You know I tried to declare spring waaay too early.
The temperature rose 50. It was spring! Then we got a blizzard.
Then we had another week of warmth. It got to 60 degrees. It was spring! …and then it snowed on May-freaking-first.
Well yesterday we got to 80 degrees. So it better be freaking spring.
And if there was any doubt, the streets are full of road construction (aka pot hole repair). We also got full-on tornado sirens and golf-ball-sized hail last night.
Mibs and I were thrilled that our cars didn’t get dinged and that the tornadoes stayed away from downtown Minneapolis for once. Hi Spring. Don’t be too destructive.
Memba the snow mess from what, two weeks ago? Well we got over that. The weather is gorgeous, but I am inside of a café writing this paper.
Finishing the paper for my Weimar Cinema class is difficult because I already have a fabulous full-time job and elective credits don’t affect my law school GPA – so this class is essentially pass/fail and I can do a mediocre job and still graduate.
The problem is that I don’t want to end my law school career poorly or turn in anything offensively bad. Nothing is worse than reading a paper that someone obviously didn’t put any effort into.
So here I sit. At least I only have a few hours left.
I freaking love foursquare.
Lush bar is in an industrial area and the bar’s parking lot is down the street, behind a bunch of factories.
It looks like where they find the body on The First 48: train tracks, broken fences, and mattresses. And of course it has a very descriptive name on Foursquare.
Matt messaged me about the Osama Bin Laden news right just as I got ready for bed. I was glued to tweetdeck for the next hour and watched Obama’s address to the country.
BBC News just reported that crowds are gathering in front of the White House to celebrate. The correspondent said it’s a block party. I’m not mourning the man, but I think it’s distasteful to celebrate the death of any person. Yes, even Osama.
Besides following world events, I spent my time trying to stay warm in this mug. The week’s weather was straight out of a rainy British murder mystery and today we event got a snowflake or two.
The radio just said that it’s below freezing and we might get snow flurries tomorrow. I guess this is what May is like in Minnesota?
I actually don’t mind the delayed spring. It allows me to appreciate everything (esp. architecture) one last time before the trees and shrubs mask the world.
I don’t even know what to think anymore. It’s May-freaking-first and I had the pleasure of watching tiny snowflakes flip me the bird all day.
And then it hailed.
The “feels like” temperature is 32 degrees and things look rather muddy outside.