There are only three weeks left in the semester which means that finals are around the corner. The sense of dread that started last month has been replaced with a study plan and things just might be okay.

The clocktower at Georgetown Law School.
Taking the MPRE
Finals may be around the corner, but I already took a major test last week — the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE).
Texas and most other states require a passing MPRE score in addition to the bar exam. Most people take the MPRE before the bar, but I’m doing things out of order apparently.
The MPRE wasn’t offered at Georgetown, so I took it at American University Law School. The school must have finished a major construction project recently — the buildings are brand new and look as if they were designed by Ikea.

Taking the MPRE at American University Law School.
I’ll find out my score in a couple of weeks (e.g. in the middle of finals.) If I pass, I’ll be officially licensed in Texas. I’ll probably wave into the D.C. bar (and perhaps Virginia) next semester.
Hopefully I won’t have to retake it. 🤞

Gunter – our Chiweenie who is not here for the Calmz Anxiety Relief System.
Fall in Washington D.C.
One of the most annoying things about finals in Minnesota was the cold and darkness. It gets dark pretty early in D.C. too, but we don’t have snow yet.
It’s also way colder than Dallas, but nothing approaching Minnesota-levels.

The Korean War Memorial in on the National Mall in Washington D.C.

Fall decorations at Washington D.C.’s CityCenter.

The World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.
Then again, it’s another three weeks until finals actually start, so there’s plenty of time for the snow and darkness to arrive just in time to ruin my test-taking mood. Hopefully everything will be fine.